Why effective neck pain massage therapy shouldn’t focus exclusively on your neck
Neck pain is a very common issue. Our phones and devices are constantly pulling our attention. Our head follows our eyes putting us in a “head forward” position. This pulls the muscles in the back of your neck into a constant stretch. And makes them work extra hard to fight the weight of your head. Muscles hate being stretched and working hard. So they yell at you with achy pain. Thankfully, neck pain massage in New York and can be an effective and lasting treatment…when done properly.
Does this sound like you?
a) Sitting at a desk staring at your screen for 40+ hours a week
b) Looking down at your phone multiple times a day
c) Reading your tablet in bed while propping your head up on a pillow
All of these habits tighten your anterior neck muscles (the ones in front). While simultaneously pulling on the posterior neck muscles (the ones in back).
For More Information: Neck Pain Massage Therapy