Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Medical Massage Therapy: it will relieve your pain, but did you know about all the other benefits?

Medical Massage Therapy: it will relieve your pain, but did you know about all the other benefits?

Not long ago, studios that specialize in the benefits of medical massage therapy in New York City were few and far between. Massage therapy was not widely viewed as a rehabilitative practice for managing musculoskeletal pain. It was viewed as a luxury. And certainly not a luxury that was aimed at providing pain relief.
Flash forward to the present day. Massage therapy has become a sought after holistic modality for addressing an array of pain conditions. In fact, the main benefit of medical massage therapy is pain relief. But what if you’re not in pain? What if you’re not dealing with any current injuries? Or what if your pain is quickly resolved? Can you still receive or continue to receive Medical Massage Therapy? OF COURSE!
Medical Massage has a host of peripheral benefits. Whether you are seeking relief or simply want regular massage sessions tailored to you and your needs.

First, Some Basics about Medical Massage

Medical massage therapy is designed to target specific client complaints. Also, medical massage serves to supplement and complement one’s personal lifestyle and activities. It’s not just one technique. It is a combination of techniques and styles that address these specific conditions or lifestyles. It’s also outcome-oriented. The massage therapist and client typically want to achieve certain goals by the end of a session as well as after a series of sessions.
Check out a previous post on medical massage therapy by Rachel Simhon, LMT, if you’d like to know the finer details about what can happen in a medical massage therapy session.

What else could I want besides pain relief?

Whether you are in pain, rehabbing an injury or looking for that extra edge, you’ll win with the additional benefits of medical massage below. We not only want you to walk out the door feeling better. We also want you to gain more knowledge about YOU! Medical massage therapists want to empower you to make the most of your lifestyle.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Which is the Best Massage Therapist Center in New York?

Which is the Best Massage Therapist Center in New York?

When choosing a massage therapist in New York, it can be a difficult decision to make, especially when you consider the sheer number of available options. However, Bodyworks DW is here to let you know that we’ve got your back. When you come in for a massage you can rest assured that we will not only help relieve any tension or pain you may be experiencing but also help you identify where it stems from. Our services vary to suit your needs, which oftentimes, make it easier for you to decide what’s best for you.
Sports Massage for Sports and Fitness Injuries
There isn’t a massage therapist in New York that comes close to the detail we apply to our Sports Massage area at Bodyworks DW. When you hear the term “sports”, you may be thinking that this only helps folks who actually are athletes, or maybe those who do lots of swimming, biking, or long-distance running. And, yes, this part of our program does apply to them. However, it is also set up for ordinary working people who, say, have been trying to fit a workout into their workday. The thing is, when you jam spontaneous exercise into the middle of the day like that, you don’t get a chance to warm up and cool down the way you need to, which can lead to injury. If you are feeling like your body is beginning to wear down, even though you’ve been consistently working out, then this service is just what you need.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Neck Pain Relief: How we assess the root causes and get you the best results

Neck Pain Relief: How we assess the root causes and get you the best results

Neck pain is a super common concern. Physicians estimate that 7 out of 10 of us will suffer from it at some point during our lifetimes. As a licensed massage therapist, neck pain relief is the number one request clients make to me during intake. It’s often coupled with its close relative, shoulder pain — more on that below. Pain medications can help lessen the severity of the symptoms. However, they generally won’t be able to target the root of the problem. 
A licensed massage therapist experienced in assessing the causes of neck dysfunction can help you get to the bottom of your pain. In order to address it most effectively during your visit. They can also help you understand some of the reasons why your neck pain started in the first place. And suggest simple lifestyle changes you might need to make in order to prevent it from coming back as a chronic issue. 

Intake 101: Helpful basic information for neck pain relief

Like a detective trying to solve a crime, a medical massage therapist will want to know certain details about your symptoms. The more clear and precise you can be, the easier you can make it for your therapist to help. Some of you already know exactly what caused or causes the pain. To others, it’s a mystery. To help unmask the root culprits, we’ll ask a series of questions usually from totally open-ended to narrowing down specifics.  

Basic Questions with New Clients

For instance, we might start with open ended questions such as: 
How would you describe the pain?
Neck pain can range from dull ache that doesn’t let up to a sharp, stabbing sensation that comes on only during certain positions or movements.