Tuesday, March 5, 2019


Massage therapy is a treatment option that continues to grow in demand as well as popularity. By scheduling an appointment with a massage therapist New York office, you will have access to a mainstream approach to pain management as well as dealing with certain issues such as circulation, tension, reducing stress and relieving anxiety. There are many benefits to massage and learning more about how you can feel better can show you that massage is an avenue worth exploring.


For most people, the word massage is associated with relaxation. As the body becomes tense and under a great deal of stress, cortical is created. cortisol is a stress hormone that can cause one to gain weight, have trouble sleeping, encounter digestive problems and headaches. With the help of a massage therapist Midtown office, these issues can be relieved.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Back Pain – What Is It and How can Massage Therapy in New York Help?

Back pain is one of the most common issues we experience. The human body as a whole is complex, especially the structures around the spine. Our backs have a veritable maze of muscles, ligaments, tendons, disks, and bones. How those structures move (or don’t move…) is a huge piece of the back pain puzzle. A healthy balanced back supports the body and enables us to move. A stiff and immobile back makes everything else have to work much harder to move us. Thankfully, most types of back pain respond very well to back pain massage.

Back pain can range from dull aches or throbbing to sharp and shooting. Or even involve neurological symptoms such as numbness and tingling. If you have severe symptoms that do not go away with a few days rest plus light movement, consult your doctor.

There are various potential causes for back pain and here are several of the most common…

Muscle Strain/Sprain

A strain refers to the tearing of a muscle or tendon. And a sprain refers to the tearing of a ligament. Activities such as lifting something improperly, or lifting something too heavy can lead to strains or sprains. Also impact injuries (think getting tackled or slipping on the ice) may lead to a strain or sprain. Inflammation follows as your body tries to heal the tear. Often there will be muscle spasms as well.

Sunday, February 24, 2019


Neck pain is one of the most common complaints we massage therapists hear from clients. It makes sense…we do so much with our head and neck. Modern technology has only made this worse. We are constantly pulling our heads forward and down to look at phones, tablets, and laptops. This creates muscle imbalances that show up as achy pain in the back of our necks and shoulders.

Are You Suffering From Chronic Neck Pain?

If so, the good news is that most of our clients find relief from chronic neck pain by enacting small but meaningful lifestyle changes. In addition, integrative medicine such as massage therapy can make all the difference. Check out this study on therapeutic massage for neck pain published by the NIH (National Institute of Health).
Here’s how massage for neck pain can help you live pain free.

Discovering the Sources of Your Neck Pain

A great massage therapist doesn’t just massage your neck muscles. They will do a thorough intake before they start and listen to you describe your pain. We often engage in habitual movements that cause stress without realizing it. Your therapist can help you discover what patterns contribute to your pain and give you simple but effective ways to break those patterns.