Wednesday, November 20, 2019

What is the Purpose of a Deep-Tissue Massage?

What is the Purpose of a Deep-Tissue Massage?
A deep tissue massage, a form of massage therapy, consists of applying slow strokes and firm pressure to reach deeper layers of fascia and muscle. It is utilized for chronic aches and pain in areas such as upper and low back pain, stiff neck, sore shoulders, and leg muscle tightness. 

Potential Benefits of Deep-Tissue Massage

The deep tissue massage in New York generally focuses on a specific issue, such as injury rehabilitation, chronic muscle pain, as well as the following conditions:
  • Limited mobility
  • Low back pain
  • Postural problems
  • Tennis elbow
  • Upper back or neck pain
  • Repetitive strain injury
  • Muscle tension in the glutes, IT band, legs, hamstring, quadriceps, upper back, or rhomboids
  • Sciatica
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Osteoarthritis pain
  • Recovery from injuries (e.g. whiplash, falls)
  • Piriformis syndrome
What to Expect 
Even though some of the strokes of deep tissue massage feel like those utilized in Swedish massage therapy, it is not a stronger form of a Swedish massage. 

Friday, November 15, 2019

Are you noticing pain in your body? Pain often starts with breathing restrictions!

Are you noticing pain in your body? Pain often starts with breathing restrictions!

What is the most common issue you see with your clients?

There are many common areas of pain that I see with my clients. Clients will often experience tension in their neck and shoulders. They may also experience low back pain that runs down the side of the leg. But after assessing clients both on and off the table, there seems to be an even bigger commonality. One that affects the whole body. Most of us are experiencing some level of breathing restrictions.

Often this means our core is weak. This can lead to spine destabilization. Although, while the diaphragm is the primary breathing muscle, it’s not always the problem muscle. So, it’s very important to do a thorough intake to get a full scope of an issue.

How do you work to correct issues with breathing restrictions?

There isn’t one right way to treat a client. Everybody is different and can change on the daily. Recently, I’ve been asking my clients do a standing flexion & extension test. The subsequent steps will depend on what has a bigger dysfunction (flexion or extension). Since the body will sacrifice mobility for stability, I check there first. Stability comes from the core. The core includes: the Transverse Abdominals, Internal Abdominal Oblique, Pelvic Floor, Erector Spine group, Diaphragm, Multifidus.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

What to look for in a sports massage therapist

New York City can be an intense and high-energy place. It attracts similar sorts of people.
Everyday you see thousands of runners and cyclists making their way up and down the West Side highway training for races. There are thousands of professional dancers performing in the various musical theatre venues in the city each day as well. Physically active types are a big part of the NYC population. Even the folks you see putting in long hours at their desks during working hours often leave to go workout right after work. They swing kettlebells at their Crossfit gym or do handstands at their yoga studio. With all the athletes in the city, it’s no surprise that working with a top notch sports massage therapist is what many of our clients are searching for.
But what should you look for in a sports massage therapist?
What to look for in a sports massage therapist

What is sports massage and how can it benefit you?

Before looking for specific qualities in a sports massage therapist, it’s helpful to understand what to expect from a session. Sports massage can comprise any of the manual techniques that a licensed massage therapist is trained in. These techniques are performed with the intention of addressing your specific concerns around your active and/or physically demanding lifestyle.

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