Monday, June 15, 2020



Sometimes injuries happen. And in these times, it’s difficult to know what the best solution is. Our subscription library has a variety of injury relief videos with targeted self-massage techniques for specific ailments.
We cover a lot of areas prone to injury. And some techniques will require use of your own hands, but others can be achieved using foam rollers, rubber balls, and other tools. We have programs for everything from:
  • ankle sprains
  • carpal tunnel syndrome
  • self massage for neck pain
  • self massage for back pain
  • self massage for hip pain
  • pain from sitting
  • and more!

A Sample of Injury Relief Videos in the Library

  • Pain Relief From Sitting – This video includes foam rolling and yoga mat stretches to relieve pain in the back and hips from sitting more than we’re used to.
  • Headache and Allergy Relief- In this video you’ll find helpful techniques to loosen the nasal cavity to improve breathing and prevent headaches.
  • Mobilization & Self Massage for Foot Ankle- This video contains self-massage techniques and stretches to mobilize the foot and ankle to prevent injury and relieve pain.

For More Information: Self-massage for neck pain

Monday, February 24, 2020

Winter & Workouts = Shoulder Pain! Here’s How to Fix It with Massage for Shoulder Pain!

Winter & Workouts = Shoulder Pain! Here’s How to Fix It with Massage for Shoulder Pain!

Your Shoulders and Winter are not good friends…

Have you booked a massage for shoulder pain session yet this winter? If not, you’ll probably feel like we are psychics about how your shoulders are feeling right about now…

It’s that most wonderful time of year…okay, actually it’s not all that wonderful right now.

The holidays are over, it’s real cold, and your are deep into new year projects, stress, and pressure.
And we’ve still got several weeks to go 😬🤒
Add in indoor exercise to that (weightlifting, yoga, boxing, Crossfit) and you’ve got a perfect recipe for shoulder pain and injuries…..

Winter Shoulder Pain Recipe

  • 1/4 cup “lifting shoulders due to cold”

  • 1 cup “stressing at work” which engages our fight/flight response and lifts the shoulders

  • 1 tablespoon “indoor exercise” which impacts shoulders more intensely (due to the other above ingredients)…

This recipe leads to overuse injuries such as rotator cuff tears, biceps tendonitis, and bursitis. 
What you get when this cake is baked is “I don’t know what happened….but my right (or left) shoulder just started hurting…..HELP!”

Shoulder Pain in Winter: What YOU can do about it

If you haven’t gotten to the pain level yet, congrats!
If you don’t want to get there, come see us for massage therapy for shoulder pain (or any other pains you are dealing with). In the meantime, the following will absolutely help to prevent further injury:

Invest in a good winter coat, hat, scarf (no, really)

  • Fashion is cool and all…and usually cold too. You may not like wearing a parka, or messing up your hair with a hat, but your shoulders will thank you if you are warm enough.
  • Your body is dealing with cold that it’s not insulated against.
  • Our nervous system is hardwired to “protect the important bits” (ie your head and your trunk where all of your important organs are).
  • It raises the arms and shoulders in a self hug to bring more body heat to your brain (the most important bit) and lungs.
  • This is brain stem level instinctual….if your body is cold enough to be scared of hypothermia it will raise your shoulders no matter how much you want them not to.
For More Information: Shoulder Pain Massage

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

How to get a great 60 minute massage in New York that exceeds your expectations

How to get a great 60 minute massage in New York that exceeds your expectations

Satisfaction in life has mostly to do with things turning out about how we expect, or better. When things happen below our expectations, we tend to be dissatisfied. I train my industry-leading massage therapists at Bodyworks DW on intake and outtake with new clients. A lot of that training goes into how to help clients have realistic goals and expectations for a medical massage in New York. In general, that means helping some clients realize that massage has a lot more to offer than simply relaxation and stress relief. And also helping other clients realize that for most pain issues it takes more than one session to completely relieve their issue.
Massage in New York can help relieve pain for the long term
If your experience of massage is limited to the occasional hotel spa massage while on vacation… You likely view it as a form of relaxation and stress relief. And no more. If you are in real pain, you’ll go to a chiropractor, physical therapist, or straight to the hospital. And for most massage therapists working at a hotel spa, you are not wrong to think of massage in this limited way. The training requirements for massage therapists vary greatly from state to state. Not to mention country to country.

For example, here are the training requirements for 4 popular vacation states, and the New York requirements:

    • Florida – 500 hours and NCETMB or MBLEx
    • California – 500 hours and MBLEx or NCBTMB
    • Virginia – 500 hours and MBLEx
    • Texas – 500 hours and MBLEx or NCETMB
    • New York – 1000 hours and state exam
    MBLEx is the “massage and bodywork licensing exam” and is used by many states in the US. NCETMB is the “National Certification Exam for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork” test. Both are multiple-choice question tests of a massage therapist’s knowledge. This includes anatomy, technique, and professional ethics.
    For More Information: Massage Therapy New York