Monday, January 27, 2025

Vacation: 7 Ways to Plan Your Way to Relaxation


Sounds counterintuitive I know, planning to relax. Afterall, a vacation is supposed to be “time off” and a reset for our overworked brains and bodies. And yet…doesn’t if often seem like we come back more tired physically than when we left?! Read More This Blog

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Living in Pain? Hip Flexors Play a Huge Role in your Posture & Could be the Root of your Discomfort.


One of the most common pain issues we see in clients is probably neck and shoulder pain. This is often from improper sitting posture in front of a computer at work, and looking down at their phones. A close runner-up is probably lower back pain often caused by tight hip flexors (among other things), also from spending too much time sitting down in chairs. As it turns out, both are usually interrelated and stem from the same sources and imbalances. On some clients it shows up as low back pain, on others, neck and shoulder pain. Read More 

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Back Pain – What Is It and How can Massage Therapy in New York Help?


Back pain is one of the most common issues we experience. The human body as a whole is complex, especially the structures around the spine. Our backs have a veritable maze of muscles, ligaments, tendons, disks, and bones. How those structures move (or don’t move…) is a huge piece of the back pain puzzle. A healthy balanced back supports the body and enables us to move. A stiff and immobile back makes everything else have to work much harder to move us. Thankfully, most types of back pain respond very well to back pain massage. Read More