Thursday, May 9, 2019

Medical Massage in New York at Bodyworks DW

Medical massage therapy is massage offered for the purpose of a therapeutic benefit

All professional massage therapies have some therapeutic value. Medical massage is different because its ultimate goal is providing a therapeutic treatment, not just relaxation. This treatment takes different forms. Goals can vary considerably between different clients. Having a massage therapist with strong training in medical massage in New York is something you can count on. It's part of every licensed massage therapists' 1000+ hours of training during school.

Medical massage is often recommended by another health professional. And is performed as part of a larger treatment plan. For example, your physical therapist may refer you for massage therapy. Medical massage can loosen your muscles, improve muscle tone, increase flexibility, and increase range of motion.

Qualified and licensed professionals are required for the best treatment

Licensed massage therapists use their extensive knowledge of physiology and anatomy to design sessions to be effective. Most professionally licensed massage therapists will tailor the sessions to the needs of each patient.

First you and your massage therapist will first sit down for a brief intake interview. During the interview you will get to discuss your affected areas and symptoms. In addition they will ask about your medical history. Then they will perform a general postural assessment. The first session will be structured to meet your needs and be part of a plan for future sessions. The goal is to find the fastest and least resource (time and money) consuming way to relieve your symptoms.

If you are looking for medical massage in New York, our massage therapists have more training than most other states. The average massage therapist in the United States has about 600 hours of training. In New York, massage therapists are required to have 1,000+ hours of training in order to be licensed. This includes many hours of medical massage training. Medical massage in New York can be done well by any practitioner with a New York State license.

In other states, you’ll want to research whether your massage therapist has post school training in medical massage to be sure they are qualified to work on your specific condition.

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Neck Pain Massage Therapy: Designing Effective Lasting Treatments

Why effective neck pain massage therapy shouldn't focus exclusively on your neck

Neck pain is a very common issue. Our phones and devices are constantly pulling our attention. Our head follows our eyes putting us in a "head forward" position. This pulls the muscles in the back of your neck into a constant stretch. And makes them work extra hard to fight the weight of your head. Muscles hate being stretched and working hard. So they yell at you with achy pain. Thankfully, neck pain massage in New York and can be an effective and lasting treatment...when done properly.

Does this sound like you?

a) Sitting at a desk staring at your screen for 40+ hours a week
b) Looking down at your phone multiple times a day
c) Reading your tablet in bed while propping your head up on a pillow

All of these habits tighten your anterior neck muscles (the ones in front). While simultaneously pulling on the posterior neck muscles (the ones in back).

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Is Sports Massage Right For You?

Do you enjoy sports and athletic activities? Do you push yourself too hard when at the gym? If you are heavily involved in sports activities, then your body can benefit from a sports massage. Physical activity helps to generate health benefits for your body. However, there are also negative effects that can occur. If you push yourself too hard, the body will feel it. By booking a sports massage midtown, your body will be able to recover and you can continue to be a beast in the gym or when enjoying your favorite sports activities.

The Positive Effects of Massage

With sports massage New York services, your body has the ability to recover. Professional and college athletes, as well as Olympic athletes, know the power of sports massage therapy. Such athletes use the treatment option as a way to recover from a sports injury. Research shows that massage has a positive effect on the body of athletes and can benefit their performance.

If you participate in regular exercise, you can also benefit from a sports massage. Whether you play golf, basketball, baseball or take part in other sports activities, a sports massage will help to relieve any pain or physical issue you may be facing.