We’re committed to anti-racism
in wellness. Below are some steps we’re taking to make that clear.
Here’s What We’ve Done So Far
on Anti-Racism in Wellness
Fair hiring practices
Bodyworks DW has always used
fair hiring practices. What this means is, we review applicants based on their
qualifications and experiences. We find that it’s best to put the focus on the
ability to do the job. You end up with a diverse staff of people from all walks
of life.
Anti-Racism in Wellness: Our Statement of
Back in June, our C.E.O and
owner David Weintraub made a statement on racial injustice, inequality, and
anti-racism in wellness. He outlined how the company hopes to be more vocal on
these types of social issues. In it, he states “Black lives matter. Period, end
stop.” and highlights our plans for change. You can read the entire post here.
New anti-racism bullet in our
mission statement
We’ve added an important note
about being anti-racist and anti-sexist to our mission statement. Generally
speaking, if you’re a human and are in pain, our goal has always been to help
you by providing massage therapy with long term solutions. In order to ensure
we deliver the best possible care as healthcare providers, it’s important that
we set biases to the side. We strive to both promote anti-racism in wellness
and diversity in our workplace and create a known safe space with intentional
anti-racist and anti-sexist policies. Read our full mission statement here.
Anti-racism in Wellness Pledge page
Speaking of our anti-racist and
anti-harassment policies, we’ve added a page to our website that describes this
in detail. We want to make sure staff and clients alike know Bodyworks DW is a
space completely intolerant of ignorance. Click here to read the entire pledge.
Actions For Social Change
If you look on our website and
click on our page titled Actions For Progressive
Social Change, you can see the list of organizations such as
the ACLU that we support and proudly
donate to regularly.
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